Test Meltonic Tonic Bio sports cake

By Pierre-Maxime Branche. Photos: 3bikes.fr


Before a cycling event, a triathlon or a running competition, these are the most recurring questions: what to eat to have enough energy and when to eat so as not to be too heavy and suffer from digestive problems?

To these questions, most sports nutrition brands provide "turnkey" solutions with products that are quick to prepare, practical to take with you, easy to digest and consume as close as possible to your event, sometimes up to 45 minutes before the start. This is the case of Meltonic, a French brand that bases its products not on glucose syrup, an ingredient with a maximum glycemic index (GI = 100) and not very natural, but on acacia honey (GI 44% lower than glucose syrup and better assimilation during exercise) and on royal jelly, naturally rich in vitamins B3, B5, trace elements, minerals and reconnaked for its toning and energizing effects.


Just need water

In its range of products to consume before exercise is therefore this Organic Tonic Cake. Available in chocolate or raspberry flavors, we tasted the new hazelnut recipe, launched a few months ago. Naturally gluten-free, low in fat, a source of phosphorus and of course made with honey and royal jelly, this cake can be eaten up to 1h30 before exercise and can completely replace breakfast if your competition takes place very early or in the morning. On the cooking side, simply add 300 ml of water to the preparation (400 g sachet), mix and then bake for a good half hour at 200°C.

Very convenient

As you will have understood, there is really nothing complicated and especially no waste of time. For the preparation, count five minutes flat and for the cooking about 35 minutes. The story is therefore settled in less than 45 minutes. You plunge a knife blade into the middle of the cake and if it comes out dry, to the table. Suffice to say that you can start the same morning without risk of being late. You can obviously prepare your cake the day before or the day before that, if you are in route or if you are not at home and you absolutely want to bite into your cake on the big day. It keeps for three days in the refrigerator and can also be frozen. It is also not necessary to prepare the whole cake at once: in our case, we prepared it in small silicone molds to make small portions to take away.


Sweet without excess

Once ready to be tasted, the Organic Tonic is very appetizing. It is slightly golden and holds well. Cut in two, we discover a nice soft texture, slightly airy and we see a few pieces of hazelnut. When tasting, still warm, the cake is good, light, the taste of honey is present and allows to have in the mouth this sweet flavor without excess. But it is cold that we enjoyed ourselves even more, because despite the drop in temperature, it keeps its soft consistency and the pieces of hazelnut remain crunchy.

Consumed 1 hour before cycling and running outings, Tonic Bio is digestible. One of our testeuses, prone to heartburn during exercise, has gone out without any digestive problems. Note that this gluten-free recipe is also a good solution for athletes with intolerances. Our sweet tooth would have liked even more pieces of hazelnut. But in all honesty, this flavor is already quite noticeable. However, nothing prevents you from adding a few lemon or orange zests, dried fruits or almonds.

Delicious, digestible and very practical to prepare and take away, the Meltonic Organic Tonic cake has all the right points to tackle your competition in the best possible conditions.



The + : delicious, digestible and very practical
The - : price

– To be consumed up to 90 min before exercise
– Replace breakfast
– Preparation 5′ and cooking 35′
– Source of phosphorus, low in fat and gluten-free
– Rich in vitamins B3, B5, trace elements, minerals
– Recipe: hazelnut, honey and royal jelly
– Other flavors: chocolate or raspberry
Price: €12,50 (400 g bag)

Contact : https://www.meltonic.fr

Pierre-Maxime Branche

- 41 years old - Professional journalist since 2004 in the specialized sports press and general information. - Current sports practices: triathlon & fitness. - Instagram: pierre_maxime_branche

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