Strava Launches Athlete Intelligence: Simple, Personalized Training Analytics Powered by AI

Strava, the leading online sports community with over 125 million users, announces the launch of Athlete Intelligence, a platform feature powered by artificial intelligence. Athlete Intelligence provides personalized insights based on a user’s activity data. Available today in beta, Athlete Intelligence is available to subscribers only. It makes it easier to understand performance metrics from a smartwatch or smartphone, so users can get the most out of every activity.

Source: CP

With Athlete Intelligence, Strava is using the latest technological advances to simplify the active lifestyle of its users. This new feature analyzes and interprets training data to provide simple, personalized information and advice. Easily accessible in the activity details on the app, this feature is useful for athletes of all levels, from beginner to expert.

“The current beta of Athlete Intelligence incorporates community feedback gathered during a private beta and offers a significantly different experience, with deeper context and analysis.”, said Matt Salazar, Director of Product at Strava.

Over the past few months, Strava has been refining Athlete Intelligence's ability to analyze complex training data to derive insights. relevant information and advice for athletes of all levels. In this way, the AI ​​develops a reinforced analysis capacity to highlight trends in the data of workouts recorded over the last 30 days. It also provides relevant information on speed, heart rate, altitude, power and Relative Effort, Strava's exclusive intensity measurement metric. In addition, it detects milestones and highlights highlights such as the fastest speed, the longest distance, the highest Relative Effort, and the hardest climb.

Strava Launches Athlete Intelligence: Simple, Personalized Training Analytics Powered by AI

Athlete Intelligence helps athletes:

  • Spotting trends over time: Subscribers can take a step back and look at their progress over the past 30 days. Athlete Intelligence identifies their progress and habits, giving them a simplified overview of their active journey.
  • Understanding performance data: Athlete Intelligence analyzes time spent in specific speed and heart rate zones, and provides recommendations to optimize speed, endurance, or stamina.
  • Celebrating milestones: Reaching a new peak? Traveling a record distance? Breaking a personal best? Athlete Intelligence is ready to celebrate these motivating successes.
  • Offer personalized feedback: Athlete Intelligence provides users with tailored advice that they can consider during their next activity.

Operation: Immediately after uploading a run, ride, walk or hike, Strava Athlete Intelligence aggregates workout data into easily digestible insights that allow the user to evaluate their effort and identify trends based on recent activity history. With one click, users can access their activity and read the insights provided by this feature.
Users can opt out of Athlete Intelligence at any time by clicking the “Exit Beta” button in the Information Module.

Availability: Already available globally in 14 languages ​​as a public beta, Strava will continue to evolve Athlete Intelligence with updates, increased investment in training, and building on next steps.

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