Why ride a lightweight bike?

Choosing a lightweight bike is often seen as an advantagetage for cyclists looking to improve their athletic performance. However, there are some advantagThere are pros and cons to consider before investing in a lightweight bike. Here's what to help you make an informed decision based on different parameters.

By Isidore Aramis – Images: firefly.adobe.com

The advantagestagIt is a lightweight bike in terms of sports performance:

1. Speed ​​improvement : a lightweight bike is easier to maneuver and accelerate, which can improve the rider's overall speed, whether on hills or on flat terrain where the course requires a lot of acceleration and changes in pace. On flat terrain and at a steady speed, however, weight does not affect performance.

2. Less fatigue : a lightweight bike is easier to handle, which can reduce rider fatigue over long distances.

3. Better handling : a lightweight bike is more agile, which can improve the rider's maneuverability when needing to change direction quickly.

4. Best uphill performance : Weight is an important factor when it comes to climbing, so a lightweight bike can improve your climbing performance, but also your ride feel and enjoyment.

Why ride a lightweight bike?

Disadvantages of a lightweight bike in terms of sports performance:

1. Less stability : A lightweight bike may be more unstable, especially at high speeds or in windy conditions, which can make riding more difficult.

2. Less comfort : A lightweight bike often has a stiffer construction, which can make for a less comfortable ride on rough terrain. routes bumpy. Light weight promotes bouncing, but this can be compensated for by larger section tires.

3. Less durability : The materials used to make lightweight bikes are often more fragile, which can reduce the bike's durability. We're talking about the frame, which can weigh just over 600g, but also components, such as the wheels, tires, saddle, seat post, handlebars and stem.

4. Higher cost : Lightweight bikes are most of the time more expensive than heavier bikes because of the high quality materials used to make them. To gain the last tens of grams on a frame, you often have to spend hundreds of euros. In the end, if you can quickly gain weight between a bike sold for €1500 and a bike sold around €6000, you often have to spend even more than double to reach the weight of a professional racing bike, that is to say around 7 kg.

A lightweight bike can therefore offer many advantagestagis in terms of sports performance, such as better speed, better handling and better climbing performance. However, there are some drawbacks to consider, such as reduced stability, less comfort and lower durability. And it should be remembered that the weight of the bike has more or less influence depending on the weight of the rider. For a 70 kg rider, a 7 kg bike represents 10% of their weight. For a 90 kg rider, it represents less than 8% of their weight, but for a 50 kg rider it represents 14% of their weight. The weight of the bike is therefore not equally important for everyone.

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A comment on “Why ride a lightweight bike?"

  1. A light bike changes a lot in terms of sensations, but it's true that in terms of performance you really have to climb for a long time to realize it. I changed my old Wilier in Shimano 105 which weighed 8,5 kg for a Bianchi speclialissima in Dura ace at 7 kg, and well I didn't notice a spectacular improvement in my times. On the other hand, I have a smile on my face every time I go out, and that's priceless 😉 😉 😉

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