As the 2025 season begins, the first results already give food for thought. Bryan Coquard surprised by winning in Australia under the
Tag: amateur
165 mm cranks: between comfort, performance and evolution of cycling practices
In cycling, the quest for performance often involves equipment adjustments that, although subtle, can have significant consequences.
How to train in winter when you are a recreationnal cyclist?
Ah, winter… That time of year when the routeare cold, the days are short, and we hesitate between putting on long shorts or staying
Pascal Carlot: the alchemist of VC Rouen
In the world of amateur cycling, there are few figures who manage to combine rigor, vision and humanity. Pascal Carlot, sports director of the VC
Gérard Briand, the big-hearted photographer who sublimates cycling
In the world of amateur cycling, there are familiar faces that can be found at every race, away from the spotlight and away from the
The decline in the number of cycling licensees in France: call for the modernisation of federations
In France, the number of licensed cyclists is declining, a worrying phenomenon for cycling amateurs and professionals. Several factors may
Maximilien Provost, the rising star of Breton cycling
In the frenetic tumult of the peloton, a silhouette stands out, confidently wearing the bright colours of the VCP Loudéac. Maximilien Provost, rising star of the
In the wheel of… Charles-Henri Fouyer, champion after discovering cycling at the age of 30
Imagine that when you discover the portrait that follows, you have a revelation... That these few lines awaken an ignored talent to you and that despite
PROS – 2023 French Championships: the route and the entrants for the amateur, women’s and professional events.
The races on route The 2023 French Cycling Championships will take place on Saturday and Sunday, June 24 and 25, in Cassel in the
Amateur cycling in agony
The Covid crisis has accelerated a phenomenon that had already been underway for several years: amateur cycling, classic, traditional, racing